Cover art for Kid Koala’s “music to draw to: satellite”.
Kid Koala, “Collapser” (ft. Emiliana Torrini) (Arts & Crafts, 1/20/2017)
“One day you’ll know/Why i had to go”
There are moments, when walking out amidst newly falling snow, when background noises are muted, replaced with a preternatural stillness. Small dots of white in the air and on the ground sift and swirl together, dusting brows and lashes and forming a constantly evolving portrait. It’s a thrillingly rare moment of stillness, often best experienced under the close cover of darkness – like being under the dome of your own snow globe.
Play this song at the turn of the key.
Featuring vocals from Emiliana Torrini. Taken from Kid Koala’s forthcoming music to draw to: satellite, due January 20 courtesy of Arts & Crafts (pre-order here). Follow Kid Koala on fbook and the twitt.