Members of Aquarian Blood, whose new album is due February 10 on Goner Records.
Aquarian Blood features husband/wife duo JB (Ex-Cult) and Laurel Horrell (formerly of NOTS). What began (according to the band’s bio) as a home recording project has turned into a full-blown one, and they’ve offered the world a three-act tease of their forthcoming debut, “Last Nite In Paradise”: “Heaven Is In My Head”; “Won’t Forget to Die” and “Asshole In the Castle”.
Fans of each spouse’s other projects will find much to like here. “Heaven Is In My Head” is full-on, raging synth-punk. Announcing itself with a Tron-summoning synth line, the band throw it all into the red: vocals yelp and rail, guitars squall and synths tase – like being spun around, blindfolded, to pin the tail on the donkey…for almost two minutes. “Won’t Forget to Die” (which, as the lyrics remind us, “no one ever does”), slows things wayyyy down the rabbit hole, a hazy raga psych drone wraiths around a Joy Division-y bassline, the gypsy strings towards the end adding to the fug. Last (in track order), “Asshole In the Castle” – its title sadly fitting in these days and times – is more of a straightforward punk record, albeit with layered vocals and an off-kilter guitar hook. Together, the songs make for a thrilling joyride. Can’t wait to hear the rest.
But wait we must, if but only for a bit longer: “Last Nite In Paradise” is due February 10 from the always in vogue Goner. Check the Aquarian Blood bandcamp page for (slightly) more info.